
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Healing through relationships

When we talk about healing, specifically holistic healing then we cannot ignore the sense of well being at our mental and emotional levels. Most of our emotional turmoil emerges from various relationships.

Beginning with relationship with ourselves; our intra-personal skills are tested all the time. Who are we ? What are our needs in terms of 'recognition of our identity' ?

life is constantly exposing us to a plethora of interaction with people in our families, work place, friend circle....the list is unending and most of our pleasure and pain comes from this area.
As humans we love, hate, enjoy, feel sad, laugh and cry over all our relationships.

Some relationships can be very complex and their essence eludes us, akin to unraveling a huge mass of tangled thread. They frustrate and confuse us to such an extent that all seems lost.

The ones which are pure and innocent like a baby's laugh energize us with unlimited joy. These relationships have no name, their fragrance lights up even the dullest days. One song which has put all these feelings succinctly.......

कोई सच्चे ख्वाब दिखा कर आँखों में समां जाता है

यह रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है
जब सूरज थकने लगता है और धुप सिमटने लगती है
कोई अनजानी सी चीज़ मेरी साँसों से लिपटने लगती है
मैं दिल के करीब आ जाती हूँ दिल मेरे करीब आ जाता है
यह रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है
इस गुमसुम झील के पानी में कोई मोती आकर गिरता है
इक दायरा बनने लगता है और बढ़के भंवर बन जाता है
यह रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है
तस्वीर बनाती रहती हूँ मैं टूटी हुई आवाजों पर
इक चेहरा ढूँढती रहती हूँ दीवारों पर भी दरवाजों पर
मैं अपने पास नहीं रहती और दूर से कोई बुलाता है
यह रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है................

"Music inspires, expresses and heals"